Wed, 28 Dec 2005

From: Jawawa

ASEAN and Myanmar

What has compelled this uncharacteristic bluntness (from ASEAN) is that Myanmar's domestic arrangements may impinge on the effectiveness of the (ASEAN) group. In particular, an ambitious plan to create a single market could be hampered by Myanmar's internal politics.

There is concern that its rule of generals will harm ASEAN's credibility and present an unnecessary obstacle in trade and other negotiations with countries and blocs outside the region.

Today, it is ASEAN that is showing an appreciation for the need to grade principles. Still, diplomats say the group's nudging should be understood as helping a member nation, not interference. But however this is phrased, the result hoped for is the same: That Myanmar should soon embrace norms that guide the rest of ASEAN. -- The Straits Times, Singapore