Tue, 13 Jun 1995

Art exhibition from Australia

JAKARTA (JP): "Classroom Connection 2", an art exhibition featuring 49 works of students from 12 schools in Victoria, Australia, will be held at the STEKPI campus in Kalibata, South Jakarta, the Australian Embassy said.

The two-day exhibition will be opened today by former popular Radio Australia (Indonesian Section) personality Ebet Kadarusman.

The exhibition, sponsored by the Australia Indonesia Institute, Mobil Oil Australia Limited, Ansett Australia and Garuda Indonesia, with the support of the Methodist Ladies' College, is under the curatorship of Margot Anwar, the middle school art coordinator at the Methodist Ladies' College in Melbourne.

Anwar also held curatorship of the first "Classroom Connection" series shown at Ubud, Bali, Yogyakarta and Jakarta last year. (hhr)