Thu, 04 Jul 1996

Armed rebels

Having read with interest your article Armed rebel movement launched in Mexico (The Jakarta Post, page two, June 30, 1996), regarding the irruption of armed men into a political meeting to commemorate last year's regrettable event in Mexico's State of Guerrero, I kindly request that you publish the following comments, as things may not be as clear-cut as the title of your article claims.

According to the Attorney General's Office's and the Ministry of the Interior's joint communique No 617/96, Mr. Cuauhtemoc Cardenas, leader of the PRD, rallied some 700 persons from throughout Mexico to the township of Aguas Blancas to commemorate the sad events which took place there last year.

It was at the end of this rally that 38 persons brandishing high-powered arms showed up. For the moment, the Government's efforts are concentrating on investigating violations to the Federal Law on Firearms and Explosives and will question persons involved in the event.

May I add that, notwithstanding the seriousness of the above occurrence, there have been no reported human nor material losses and that this isolated event contrasts with the general spirit of law and order reigning in the state of Guerrero, as well as throughout Mexico.


Ambassador of Mexico