Mon, 27 Jun 1994

Appeal to Red Cross

From Merdeka

As we all know, during the independence struggle, on Dec. 19, 1949, the Dutch forces attacked the republic's capital, Yogyakarta. The Indonesian freedom fighters had to counteract the Dutch colonial forces through guerrilla warfare. Especially in Solo, the Dutch faced the brave resistance of the guerrillas.

But through a diplomatic move, the Republic of Indonesia regained Yogyakarta as its capital, and a cease-fire was agreed to as of Aug. 10, 1949 at midnight. Because of this agreement, all the guerrilla fighters disengaged to honor the cease-fire accord. At the time almost three-fourths of the Solo area was under guerrilla control.

However, the Dutch force violated the agreement and massacred those in the headquarters of the Indonesian Red Cross in Solo on Aug. 11, 1949. In this context, we appeal to the Indonesian Red Cross to observe the event, and to make a list of the victims and their families.

In compliance with human rights, it is necessary to claim compensations from the Dutch government, as the massacre was committed after the cease-fire agreed to.

This is to remind the younger generation of the historic struggle of the nation against the Dutch rule, and to enhance the youths' sense of nationalism.

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