Wed, 15 Dec 1999

Any Texmaco's reciprocal gifts?

We know what Soeharto did for Texmaco. What remains to be known is what Texmaco did for Soeharto. Was there a donation to a Soeharto foundation? A contract awarded to a son's company? The gift of a university tuition payment to a grandchild? Airline tickets for a favorite crony or lackey? A fleet of vehicles for the military? Outright cash?

Maybe it was not given afterward, maybe there were years of Texmaco gift-giving ahead of time, just in case the day came when a call to Pak Harto was necessary. Soeharto will of course not tell us. Texmaco spokespersons may deny that such quid pro quos existed. But few will find a denial credible. Why doesn't Mr. Sinivasan do the honorable, patriotic thing now, and describe truthfully to the attorney general the reciprocal favors exchanged by the former resident and businesspersons, favors that became corrupting ties and silencing muzzles.


Medan, North Sumatra