Tue, 09 Sep 2003

Antiterror-tips booklet panned

Bambang Nurbianto, The Jakarta Post, Jakarta

"If you see a car parked in an unauthorized location for some time, tell the nearest security officer! Don't panic! Don't go near it, nor touch it."

The above was one of some antiterrorist tips you can find in a booklet launched by Governor Sutiyoso on Monday, at a ceremony widely covered by media representatives at Plaza Senayan shopping mall, Central Jakarta.

Imagine if Jakarta residents followed this tip closely: There are usually too few security officers and too many cars parked in unauthorized locations.

The launch of the 16-page booklet, measuring 18 centimeters (cm) by 25 cm, was also attended by hundreds of people who packed the lobby of the mall, thanks to enthusiastic media reports on previous days.

Sutiyoso has taken the opportunity to promote the book on many occasions, saying that he would issue a guidance book, not a 16- page booklet. He stressed the importance of the document, as it would become guidance for residents.

But many expressed disappointment even before they had opened the booklet. Apart from criticizing a number of odd suggestions in the booklet, they were also unhappy at its size.

"I thought it would be pocket-size so that I could easily take it anywhere," said Gatot, 30, a resident of Jl. Kramat Raya, Central Jakarta, while attending the ceremony.

Gatot also laughed when he read a statement in the booklet that said, If you are injured, help yourself, then help wounded victims. "Of course I'd do that," he said, adding that there was nothing special about the booklet.

Not everyone criticized the booklets, however. Jakarta Police chief Insp. Gen. Makbul Padmanagara advised people not to view the booklet negatively. "There are many positive things about it," he said.

Sure there are. With all its weaknesses, the book, prepared by the Antiterrorist Community (MPAT), has some value for the public. It contains some important telephone numbers, including hospitals, police stations and fire stations.

It also lists the phone numbers of Jakarta Antiterror Center (3500000) and Jakarta Crisis Center (3822011 and 3823413). The centers are opened 24 hours a day.

The booklet also tries to explain a number of indications of the tourist activities, as well as setting out questions and answers on terrorism, first aid, antiterrorism preparedness, what to do in the event of a terrorist attack and guidance for security officers.

During the launch, Sutiyoso said he hoped the booklet would provide guidance on prevention of terrorist attacks.

"Public awareness about terrorism is the best deterrent to any terrorist action," Sutiyoso said.

MPAT coordinator Datuk Hakim said that his organization had printed 50,000 copies of the booklet for release on Monday.

Datuk, however, refused to reveal how much money had been spent on the booklet thus far. He also declined to elaborate on the financial resources for the project, saying only that money for it had been contributed by the public.