Fri, 16 Jun 1995

Anonymous letter

I let a day pass to see if anybody wished to comment on "Name and address withheld", Football and Rugby, letters, The Jakarta Post, June 13, 1995. What a pusillanimous, little person the writer must be, that he or she, as the case may be, has to cringe behind a screen of anonymity!

I have a wow of advice for our "holier than thou" friend: "just leave it to the editor to decide which letter to print." If some readers who are interested in various sports wish to tilt at one another in the "Letters Column," and the editor sees fit to let them have a bit of fun, who are you to tell him what sort of letters he should publish?

If we had to read many more such priggish, prissy letters as yours, "Oh, nameless one," I think readership might begin to dwindle! So, as I said before, leave it to the editor -- he knows far better than you what his readers want to read.

