Sun, 02 Nov 1997


Who plants the paddy with which this country,

once a rice importer, has become self supporting

in staple food?

Who pushes your fishing boats

to sail through the storms

to catch fish for you?

Who runs sugar cane plantations

that guarantee a sugar supply for the nation?

Who deposits money in banks

so that you and richer people

can get credit from the banks?

Which people are ready

to be dragged anywhere you want

to vote for you every five years

so that and those who have the guts among them

can get the high-placed positions?

Who offers you cheap rice paddies

and fish ponds at a low price

for you to build houses, factories

and plush entertainment places

Who is willing to leave their homes

and property

and for your projects they pave the way?

Who is forced to pay taxes without delay

to make your life comfortable, all the way?

Who are willing to lend you their ears

so that you can fill them with your empty words


Why don't you spend a minute to have a look at them?

-- By A. Mustofa Bisri

Translated from Tadarus by TIS