Fri, 26 Jul 1996


Since my name has been called once again into question (The Jakarta Post, July 24, 1996), I am obliged to make some comments:

* The attempt by the "anonymous" letter writer to justify anonymity didn't convince me at all. According to me, any single and valid reason can justify the concealment of our own identity. It is a matter of courage.

* Ms. D. Djalal's attempt to champion "unnamed"'s cause didn't turn out well; however, she twists the facts, the anonymity remains a display of a lack of loyalty.

I believe that everyone should play his own role. There are some readers who want to be just readers; there are readers who want to write letters and there are editors who decide what to do with the letters received by their newspapers. If Latin is not familiar enough, instead of saying Unicuique suum tribuere, I'll resort to the French language: A chacun son role. Both have the same meaning: "Let people do what they are able to do."

