Wed, 17 Sep 1997

An ingenious solution

By Djanwar Madjolelo

JAKARTA (JP): An impossible problem calls for an ingenious solution. Watch Richard Oshlag in action on this one:

This deal from the Open Pairs 40th Spring North American Bridge Championships, March 6 to March 16, 1997 in Dallas, Texas.

Dealer : East

Vulnerable: East-West


(S) J 3

(H) Q 6

(D) 7 6 4 2

(C) A 10 5 3 2


(S) 9 7 5 4 (S) 10 8 6

(H) A J 10 7 5 (H) K 9 4 3 2

(D) void (D) K J 10 9 8

(C) K J 9 8 (C) void


(S) A K Q 2

(H) 4

(D) A Q 5 3

(C) Q 8 6 4


Munafo Oshlag

Pass 1D

1H 2D 3H 4C

4H 5C 5H Double

All pass

Oshlag hoped for a minor-suit game when his partner Paul Munafo raised Diamonds, so he concealed his imposing Spades suit.

As it turned out, Oshlag was headed for minus in 5 Clubs. However, East not unreasonably bid to 5 Hearts, and doubled.

Oshlag regretted not minding the axiom "bid where you live" when the opening lead was a Diamond and dummy's imposing Diamond spots showed up.

Oshlag realized that declarer would get three Diamonds by simply ruffing out his Ace Queen, so he resorted to a subtle false card.

At trick one he covered dummy's jack with his Ace. In tempo! Now the declarer could no longer safely pass a Diamond to North - the defense would take three Spade tricks when North won his presumed Queen.

Declarer's crossruff thus ended a trick a short. Oshlag's quick-thinking false card saved the day, netting 49.50 Match Points on a 51 top.