Thu, 07 May 1998

An escalation of violence

Whether we are aware of it or not, we have now entered a disturbing stage (in our reform drive). We entered a stage of self-destruction the moment we elevated the students to heroes of change and renewal. We entered this stage of self-destruction the moment we allowed the students and the Armed Forces (ABRI) to engage in a match of strength on the streets in the name of one word: reform.

Events in Medan show how student actions, when staged on the streets and outside the campuses, are always fatal. Students who cry for change and enlightenment on the streets are destroying themselves. In such a situation, those students could kill their own brothers or kin. In such a situation, the masses will devour one another.

Therefore, before it is too late, it is best to assign all the ardor and impatience for reform to that institution called the House of Representatives. If things don't satisfy the students, they can demonstrate there. The House of Representatives should be made to answer their demands because, after all, it is the House which is the most responsible for this aggravating state of disorder. This institution can no longer hide behind assorted arguments, such as pressure from the executive branch of government. It must not be allowed to castrate and shackle itself.

If the crisis of confidence is to be overcome, the House of Representatives must be made the hero (of the present reform movement). By elevating the students to heroes we will -- indeed, we already have begun to -- reap disaster. We are sacrificing the buds of our nation before they have had a chance to bloom.

-- Media Indonesia, Jakarta