Thu, 14 Jan 1999

America's role in Iraq

From information so far disclosed about U.S. intelligence- gathering activities in Iraq, it does appear that Washington acted improperly and misused the United Nations. But it is clear that international efforts to monitor Iraq's development of unconventional weapons will not continue in the way it has over the past seven years. That obliges the United States and its allies to develop new methods to prevent Saddam Hussein from stockpiling chemical and biological agents.

U.S. spy operations in Iraq supported the UN weapons inspection program, which began after the Gulf War in 1991. The program's aim was to locate sites where toxic weapons were being developed or stored, and to identify buildings that housed records about such arms.

With the encouragement of Iraq and its supporters, the Security Council is now arguing over the U.S. role rather than dealing with the urgent issue of how to prevent Saddam from rearming. Richard Butler, who has done a commendable job as the chief UN inspector, should not be sacrificed, nor should his team be disbanded. Secretary-General Kofi Annan must resist the notion that Washington and Mr. Butler somehow conspired to cheat Iraq.

Coming up with new ways to deal with Iraq will not be easy, but several principles are paramount. Baghdad must not be allowed to build a new arsenal of unconventional weapons or threaten neighbors with them. Lifting the oil embargo, a move favored by Russia and France, would be a grave mistake, giving Saddam an unlimited revenue stream that he would undoubtedly use for military purposes. The United States and Britain, however little support they receive from the Security Council, must not waver in their commitment to restrain Iraq.

-- The New York Times