Mon, 08 Oct 2001

Afghanistan a disaster area

Long before the tragic events of Sept. 11, Afghanistan had a huge humanitarian problem, a lot of which stemmed from its oppressive Taliban government. Civil war has been raging for some considerable time and it is American money in the main, through the United Nations, that feeds the destitute and innocent Afghan people.

What is exactly happening under Taliban rule can only be described as a nightmare to anyone who even remotely believes in human decency and freedom. It is a rule of terror almost beyond the imagination of decent human beings, and it's been going on for a long time.

One has to congratulate the Indonesian government on its six- hour cabinet meeting recently and for the sensible decisions that were made. This whole scenario is so difficult within a Muslim country, and thus it takes considerable courage to stand by one's principles in the face of certain opposition. The strike, whatever that may be, is not only inevitable, but is absolutely necessary if this world wants to exist in a peaceful environment.

Those that shun or oppose this unfortunate but justified retaliation perhaps are blind to reality for some reason, and that in itself is sad. Already Pakistan had accepted the proof offered by the Americans against bin Laden, and so now we have an east/west total agreement that the man himself needs to be sent for trial. No doubt the Taliban will be aware of this, which does away with any credible excuses whatsoever to protect this terrorist and his organization.

If they insist again that they will not surrender him to face the world's justice, then they will have to stand alongside bin Laden and face the full force of the United Nations militarily. If this happens then almost for sure the Taliban will put innocent people in the firing line and sacrifice their lives in their futile cause.


Medan, North Sumatra