Fri, 09 Sep 1994

Admonition from Habibie

From Pelita

In July, Dr. B.J. Habibie, chairman of the Association of the Indonesian Moslem Intellectuals (ICMI), lambasted the members he believed were acting improperly. He scolded the wayward members at the organization's third coordinating meeting at Hotel Indonesia.

He said too many of them were using the association just to fulfill their individual interests. He urged all members to mull over their actions.

The deviating ones should be given counseling so that they are aware of their duties and obligations.

The aim of the association is not to find them privileged positions at government agencies. In fact, the positions won by some members at government agencies are due to their qualifications and not due to their membership in the association.

It is no secret that many members are jockeying for positions on the association's executive boards.

Habibie's severe criticism against those members whose actions could tarnish the association's image is much needed.

