Sat, 28 Apr 2001

Addressing the refugee problem

The refugee problems in East Nusa Tenggara has to be resolved quickly. The facts show that the local governments in the provinces as well as in the regencies lack funds, equipment and personnel to address this problem. The authorities themselves have to contend with their local community problems such as poverty, malnutrition, and inadequate health service and educational facilities. As a result, the refugees are an additional burden for the local governments and communities.

The local governments, therefore, should work closely with the United Nations' agencies, international organizations and NGOs to overcome the refugee problems because without aid from these institutions, the problems will get worse and even harder to resolve.

Given these circumstances, I would like to offer some suggestions:

1. The refugees should be regarded as our brothers and sisters, and seen as a blessing and not a burden.

2. We must be modest and humble in our lifestyle. Refrain from using luxury cars or staying in expensive hotels. It will be hard to convince refugees that we are cash strapped and unable to help them if we lead lavish lifestyles.

3. Refugees, on their part, should engage in positive and constructive activities, and not drink or gamble. They should try to be closer to God Almighty, contemplate more, and read the Holy scriptures.

4. We call on the local community to be patient. Overcoming the refugee problems takes time. We should realize that refugees are unable to seek work and deprived of basic amenities, and so may be psychologically affected.

5. Integrating the refugees with the local community is very important to prevent social envy and enhance the spirit of brotherhood.


Kupang, East Nusa Tenggara