Fri, 28 Mar 2003

Activist protest fare hike

The Jakarta Post, Jakarta

Dozens of activists and bus users met with Jakarta city councillors on Thursday to demand they reject a 27 percent bus fare increase proposed by Governor Sutiyoso.

"The current fares are too high compared to the services provided, therefore we reject the fare increase proposal," Association of Public Transportation Users spokesman Andi Rahmah said during the meeting at City Hall.

Other participants at the meeting included members of the Jakarta Residents Forum (Fakta) and members of the Bus Drivers Association.

Bus driver spokesman Bambang said the fare increase would not benefit the drivers as he feared bus rental fees would also increase.

Sutiyoso's proposal was in response to Public Transportation Operators Association (Organda) demands for a 50 percent increase.

On Wednesday the Council returned the proposal to Sutiyoso for discussions with related parties, namely operators, consumers organizations and other related parties.

The Indonesian Consumers Protection Organization (YLKI) said that Organda should demand the government give them funding from the cut in oil subsidies, instead of increasing fares. --JP