Mon, 06 Dec 1999

Aceh belongs to 'Indonesia Raya'

Observing the present situation which has been developing in Aceh, we have every reason to be concerned about the existence of the unitary state.

Many people have predicted violence or perhaps war will break out. So, let us all pray to God that it will not materialize. Because Aceh is intrinsically part of the Indonesian unitary state. War is surely not the best way to solve the problem.

To serve the purpose, all violence must be halted. They should also stop driving away nonAcehnese residents in Aceh. The Acehnese refugees have suffered a lot.

President Abdurrahman Wahid has made a number of trips to foreign countries seemingly seeking international support to exercise pressure on GAM, and at the same time to break up the concentration of people who are in favor of a referendum. The tour succeeded in getting support from ASEAN countries, Arab nations, the U.S. and Japan. However, we should not be so naive to neglect the real potential of GAM within the Acehnese community.

International support is vital for a country opting for independence. It is here GAM has proved to be very weak, despite significant support from the Acehnese themselves.

Meanwhile, the government is against the Acehnese's demand for a referendum. The government flatly rejects it and only wants to grant large-scale autonomy. On the other hand, GAM has made a referendum their unshakable bargaining tool.

Will there be a war? It looks like the Acehnese have been examining the possibility. Government apparatuses there are no longer respected. Civilians carry guns as they like, there is no law enforcement and GAM members are mixing with the community.

Nevertheless, the Acehnese will face many challenges and hurdles, because an independence referendum cannot be conducted by the Acehnese alone, instead it must involve all Indonesian people.

Aceh intrinsically belongs to Indonesia Raya (Great Indonesia).

