Wed, 02 Aug 1995

Accept the challenge

Both recent letters from Mr. Farid Baskoro, particularly his last (Saturday, July 29, 1995) lambasting Ross Gulliver for his comments regarding life in Jakarta, were quite amusing. It would seem that no matter what lament one could come up with regarding life in Indonesia, Mr. Baskoro has either a contrary personal anecdote, or politically correct platitude, at hand to discount it. I would like to suggest to Mr. Baskoro the following more constructive tack; if the society in which you live has certain deficiencies (as all do) that make life more difficult than need be, acknowledge the problems and accept the challenge of overcoming them, rather than acting as you have with both defensiveness and a high-handed attitude.

There are certainly aspects of living in Jakarta that are difficult (the lack of widespread reliable and professional medical care, as well as the attitude of some Indonesians towards "mixed" couples are two of these whether you choose to turn a blind eye or not). But this isn't the point. How can you hope to see your culture grow and develop if whenever an unflattering viewpoint pertaining to it is made known you simply reject it out of hand and carry on with (sorry if this hurts) your xenophobic and snobbish attitudes? Step down from your pedestal Mr. Baskoro.

