Fri, 31 Jan 1997

Academy to take female cadets

KENDARI, Southeast Sulawesi: Armed Forces Chief Gen. Feisal Tanjung said here Wednesday the Military Academy would start admitting female cadets in two years.

"However, female cadets at the Army Academy will not be trained to become commanders of combat units. They will instead be prepared for administrative tasks with no direct relation to combat activities," he was quoted by Antara as saying.

In the Naval Academy, female cadets would be trained not to be commanders of battle submarines but probably for transport ships, he further explained.

In the Air Force Academy, female cadets would not be trained to fly planes like the F-16s but probably transport planes like the Hercules, he added.

"In other words, they will have the opportunity to become assistants at certain military commands, or directors of the Armed Forces' health department or legal affairs," he said. (swe)