Wed, 31 Aug 2005

Abusive mother, lenient sentence

I read with horror in The Jakarta Post Monday Aug. 22 edition, page 9, the story of a little girl abused by her mother. Why had the neighbors not reported it sooner? How could they live with themselves knowing of this going on so close by? How irresponsible of these people for not doing something sooner. I pray for this little girl, that she somehow can learn love one day.

I hope she never has to return to this woman or this neighborhood again. I hope she heals physically, but most importantly, mentally. She deserves a better life.

People, please report abuse, for the sake of these helpless children. They do not deserve such treatment ever. I also question your (Indonesian) justice system for such a lenient sentence. I would call this attempted murder.

YVONNE NOBBS, Kitchener, Canada