ABRI's stance
A gratifying statement was made by the Chief Commander of the Armed Forces, Gen. Feisal Tanjung. Under the political system of Pancasila Democracy, the commander said, the Armed Forces (ABRI) should take the stance that all political players are friends. "In this context differences in political opinion and perception are possible so long as they fit within the framework of Pancasila and the 1945 Constitution," he said.
This clarification is interesting because -- as the chief commander admits -- the stereotyped belief has it that it would be difficult for ABRI to act democratically. Perhaps such an impression exists because ABRI is being seen only from the point of view of its defense and security function. ABRI's dual- function doctrine, however, clearly outlines its social and political function, which is to perform side by side with other social-political organizations.
This clarification of ABRI's role has in fact been stated several times before by the Supreme Commander of the Armed Forces, President Soeharto. On a number of occasions the President emphasized the importance of ABRI's role in paving the way for the democratization process in this country.
In this context the statement which the chief commander made is merely a reaffirmation of the message which the President has already repeatedly stated and of the principle that have since long been contained in the dual-function doctrine. In the present context such a reaffirmation acquires added importance because it reiterates that ABRI is not an institution which is inclined to preserve the status quo and is allergic to change.
-- Republika, Jakarta