Mon, 05 Jun 1995

ABRI not power hungry

Reading Syamsudin Haris' article (The Jakarta Post, May 29, 1995), I cannot escape the feeling that the author is trying to point out that ABRI is power hungry and reluctant to have its fate decided by powers other than itself and that the House of Representatives is more or less impotent. This is my interpretation and I do not pretend that this is the only interpretation.

Let us have a look at the heading: People want more than reduced ABRI representation. If this is what the people want, then why not do it. The people have elected their representatives to the House to look after their interests. The government works together with the House to give the people political, moral and material happiness.

The reduction of ABRI representation in the House, should have come from the DPR and not from the government, wrote Syamsudin. This is not a wrong statement, but, on the contrary, very correct. Why then did the people not take the initiative and propose this reduction or change instead of waiting and reacting?

The government monitoring the situation, finds that it is time to make this step. People should be happy that the government is really a government of the people and have the public's interest at heart. If the people want more than just a reduction, then the DPR can say so and act accordingly.

Another statement which disturbed me is: "The failure to give more power to the people." Is this a failure of the government? Who is giving power to whom? Is the government giving power to the people or do the people empower to the government. As mentioned by Syamsudin, Indonesian's are sovereign and because of this they give the power.

Syamsudin wrote that fixing the number of the ABRI seats is a limitation of democracy. This is a statement way out of the truth. The DPR can accept, reject or amend this number. I cannot think of a regulation that says that the DPR have to accept everything the government proposes.

All decisions taken should be a result of consultation to reach an agreement. I cannot imagine that the government uses pressure and threats to have its proposal accepted. I would like to state that in my conviction our present DPR is a very strong and responsible body, with capable members who fully realize the importance of its mission.

Members of the ABRI are true servants of the people and not a power hungry organization and they know perfectly well in whose hands their fate lies.

Syamsudin wrote: "it seemed as if ABRI is reluctant to let its 'fate' and its future be determined by powers other than itself." This, to my mind, is a wrong interpretation of ABRI's basic attitude. The ABRI know and understand what democracy is and where their position is in the nation.

In my opinion, the dual function of the ABRI is perfectly legal and is the will of the people as expressed in Law No 80, October 23, 1958. The fate and the role of ABRI always have been, and will always be, determined by the people.

The position of ABRI as a defense power and a social political force is strengthened by the issuance of Law No 20/1982 article 26 and 228.

In conclusion I would like to appeal to Syamsudin.

Please do not accuse the ABRI of being power hungry or reluctant to have their fate decided by powers other than themselves, because this is not true.

Please do not blame the government for being active in monitoring the overall situation and taking steps to improve things. Do not consider this as a preempted action. After all it is the sacred duty of the government to listen to the hearts of the people.

