Thu, 06 Oct 1994

ABRI must lift nation's welfare

JAKARTA (JP): The Armed Forces (ABRI) must share in the effort to improve the nation's welfare besides its main responsibilities in defense and security, President Soeharto says.

Describing ABRI as the nation's "backbone", Soeharto said in a speech to mark the military's 49th anniversary yesterday that the biggest challenge facing Indonesia today is improving the welfare of the people, "so that our nation can live on equal footing with other nations which are already more advanced."

Soeharto presided over the gala military ceremony and the traditional parade by some of the ABRI's forces, complete with a flyover by military aircraft.

Soeharto, a retired Army general and the military's supreme commander, said ABRI, which was borne out of the people, has accomplished three large missions in its 49 year history.

It fought alongside the people to secure and defend Indonesia's independence, it defended the state in the face of various rebellions and coup d'etats, and in the last quarter of century, it pioneered and encouraged the national development.

"That's why it is appropriate to say that ABRI is the backbone of the state and the nation," he said. "There aren't many armed forces in the world that can lay claim to such performance and dedication."

Looking ahead, Soeharto said the demise of the Cold War has made conflict a thing of the past as the world now enters a new era which depends more on international cooperation.

"In this era, ABRI is still needed in defense and security as well as in socio-political affairs," he said.

"In defense and security, ABRI is our protection against various possible threats to the existence of our nation. In welfare, the socio-political role of ABRI is needed to create a condition conducive to the growth of democracy, the establishment of the law and the development of people's initiatives and creativity."

The head of state also emphasized the need to ensure that the fruits of development are shared equally among the people.

"The people will work with greater enthusiasm if they know for certain that the fruits of development will be enjoyed together in a fair and equitable manner and if they can work in a calm environment... Our country's history has shown that national upheavals occur at times of economic difficulties and when development is not shared equally."

Simple and short

The highlight of the military parade was the synchronized movement in the art of self defense by about 300 troopers from various units, including the Army women corps.

The ceremony, however, was kept simple and short, with an eye toward an even bigger one next year when ABRI turns 50.

Soeharto yesterday presented meritorious service awards to five officers for dedication to their units.

The Yudha Dharma Nararia medal of the Air Force was presented to Col. Hersoebeno, the Kartika Eka Paksi Nararia medal of the Army was presented to Lt. Col. Suharno, the Jalasena Nararia medal of the Navy to Maj. J.B. Siswanto, the Swabhuana Paksa Nararia medal of the Air Force to Second Lt. A.F. Tukiman and the Bhayangkara Nararia medal of the National Police to First Lt. Jamidi.

Shortly after Soeharto and his entourage departed, spectators who were kept out of the area during the ceremony poured onto the ceremony grounds in the hope of catching a glimpse of, and hopefully shaking hands with high-ranking officials such as ABRI Chief Gen. Feisal Tanjung, Army Chief of Staff Wismoyo Arismunandar, Navy Chief of Staff Admiral Tanto Koeswanto, Air Force Chief of Staff Marshal Rilo Pambudi and National Police Chief Gen. Banurusman. (pwn)

Editorial -- Page 4