Fri, 13 Feb 1998

ABRI always serves the nation

On Feb. 11, 1998, I read a The Jakarta Post article which states that the military denies accusations of orchestrating unrest. It is customary that the first act of a person or organization when accused, is to deny it. So denials are, in my opinion, not too important, because any person or organization will take that step when accused of committing some wrong doing. It is like a reflex reaction.

But what is more serious is the emergence of this accusation. Why was this accusation made? There must be a reason because as the proverb says: There is no smoke without a fire.

I don't believe that the Armed Forces (ABRI) is orchestrating riots. What would be the purpose of such a behavior. ABRI is the only hope the people have because it can maintain peace and order, creating a conducive situation in which the government can concentrate on finding a speedy solution of this crisis, which has brought so much material damage and created an atmosphere of confusion and suspicion and distrust among the population.

Not only harmful issues originated from within the country. There are also outside forces working against the government, spreading rumors and anti-Chinese sentiments, of looting and ransacking Chinese shops and creating an uncomfortable feeling on the Indonesians, so that there will be an exodus to Malaysia and Singapore.

This is reported in the International Herald Tribune, Feb. 11, 1998, in Indonesia's neighbors fear wave of refugees.

The paper reported that checkpoints at all coastal entry points along the Malaysian peninsula have been stepped up to anticipate an increase of illegal Indonesian immigrants.

I only want to point out that dangerous, harmful issues do not originate only from within the country, but certain outside forces are not happy when Indonesia is strong and united.

Only ABRI has experience in fighting and quelling bad issues because it has eyes and ears everywhere. It is the right organization and has the manpower to overcome this kind of trouble.

If ABRI is active in orchestrating riots then it is serving a certain partial interest and not the country as a whole. If ABRI cannot maintain its position as a force standing above all parties and groups, and if it stops serving the nation as a whole, then only God can help our beloved country.

However, ABRI cannot work alone, it needs the help of all responsible citizens, who are sincere in their willingness to help their country. With the people's help, our country will survive.

