Wed, 18 Sep 1996

A unique relationship

The relationship between Indonesia and Australia is truly unique. Because of their geographic proximity and territorial potential the two countries maintain a very intense pattern of cooperation in economic and social affairs. But because of the differences in their cultures, economic capabilities and political systems, unsettling conflicts continue to plague the relationship.

The fact that Prime Minister Howard chose Indonesia as the first country to visit on his foreign tour is an indication of how Australia views Indonesia. In this respect both (former Labor Party Prime Minister) Keating and Howard have identical interests. Both view Indonesia as their closest neighbor which offers huge economic potential, occupies a commanding geopolitical position and has an important role in the international community of nations.

Indonesia has the same interest in Australia regardless of the country's new leadership. Both countries must now determine not how to reconcile their respective leadership styles but how to build upon the good relationship established by previous administrations.

It is a fact that many basic differences exist in regards to such sensitive issues as democratization and human rights. The differences may be difficult to bridge because of cultural and sociopolitical differences, but that does not mean that a mutual understanding of those differences cannot be established. It won't be easy to accomplish, but the process of building mutual understanding must be maintained.

-- Republika, Jakarta