A nation of winners
Indonesians at this point of time are experiencing difficulties, economically and also politically. We are confused about the value of the rupiah which continues to nosedive and we do not know exactly what the reasons are.
The Indonesian economy is said to be sound and strong, and I believe this, but the situation is growing worse, and I feel the people are becoming more confused.
But we must not lose and ignore one very precious thing -- the Indonesian fighting spirit, the spirit of 1945. There are still plenty of members of the 1945 generation, who maintain their spirit of "Never say die".
We have experienced worse times than this and we came through with flying colors.
I remember that my battalion in 1946 ate only two sweet potatoes and we never lost our fighting spirit against the well- equipped and experienced Dutch army.
We encountered economic problems during the Old Order regime but we survived.
So why should we be downhearted and lose our spirit now? That is not Indonesian. We are a nation of winners and I am sure that we are going to win again this time. No doubt about that.
But there are still some facts we must observe.
1. High-level Indonesian officials should stop giving statements which might cause confusion and add to the already existing confusion. Let the right and responsible authorities make the statements after due coordination with other institutions. This is not the time to seek personal popularity.
Public figures should avoid using extreme words which might create unnecessary fear. One example is an article which appeared in The Jakarta Post on Dec. 26, 1997, in which the word "horrible" was used to describe the past year in Indonesia. Why not use a different expression?
2. We should restrain ourselves from overspending during the economic crisis, such as avoid organizing lavish wedding parties and other functions. We should heed to the President's instruction at the plenary cabinet meeting. Use the state budget as efficiently as possible and wives are advised not to accompany their husbands unless of course they pay from their own pockets, only because they don't trust their husbands when out of sight.
Let me cite some sayings which are relevant to the spirit of Indonesians, a nation of winners.
* The winner always has an answer. The loser always has a problem.
* The winner always makes programs. The loser always makes excuses.
* The winner sees an answer to every problem. The loser sees a problem in every answer.
* The winner says it is difficult but it might be possible. The loser says it might be possible but it is too difficult.
Let me end this letter with the definition of a leader and the difference between a leader and a boss.
The boss always thinks that he knows how things should be done, while the leader shows how.
The boss leans on his authority but the leader counts on goodwill.
The boss tends to shout "Go", the leader tells his men "Let us go".
Happy New Year and keep up your fighting spirit. Let all of us work together in a coordinated effort under the guidance of the government.