Tue, 14 May 1996

A more effective legislature

We'd like to underscore the view expressed by Dr. Sudjati Djiwandono, a political observer of the Centre of Strategic and International Studies that "If the people's sovereignty still does not function optimally and the executive branch remains dominant, then the quality of our legislators, who are elected as a result of the 1997 general elections, cannot be hoped to be any better than those produced in past elections."

We have come to the conclusion that, in order for the principle of the people's sovereignty to function in accordance with the dictates of the Constitution, the process of recruiting our legislators must be independent. In other words, our legislators must be free from the effects of the screening process conducted by the executive branch.

In addition, the control function of the legislature vis-a-vis the executive branch must be made optimal. Clear rules must be drawn up to ensure that the control exerted by the legislature is conformed with by the executive branch.

We agree with Sudjati Djiwandono that in order to optimize the functioning of the principle of the people's sovereignty, the executive branch should show some greater sensitivity towards the aspirations of the people.

-- Suara Pembaruan, Jakarta