Wed, 29 Dec 1999

A letter on insignificance

Astronomers believe that by using a giant telescope like the Hubble, man, I mean scientists, will finally come to know how the universe was formed, or created, to use a more religious term. Are we then to "see" where the Creator of Heaven and Earth, or more religiously expressed, God, resides, so to speak, or even detect His eternal "image". After 5000 years of silence are believers so naive to think that it is about time that they hear more from heaven about how peace on earth should be restored and greed and hatred and mistrust among men be eliminated for ever and ever.

To repair the Hubble space telescope today, with such precise technology, seems as easy as repairing a leak in the roof. It would be just common sense if pictures taken by that giant wonderwork be more easily available to the people of this globe. Perhaps then we would have a better idea about how small and insignificant in size we are compared to the universe and its contents.

According to astronomers, if we start counting now the number of visible stars, each as powerful and huge as our own sun, we would still be counting them after 300,000 years, so numerous are they and so endless is the universe, which is truly beyond our comprehension and imagination. In size we are less than an insect that is to be seen only through a microscope. Why do we refuse to be humble and share our wealth with other fellow travelers (human beings). In a sense we have become intolerant and selfish insects. The suffering of other human beings hardly moves our hearts anymore and we have become indifferent to the plight of the suppressed and underprivileged, even with political and economic power at our disposal, given by God.

I congratulate those who have done enough (achieved success financially and economically or politically) for themselves and their families. But when they stride over the threshold of the third millennium they should ask themselves whether they have done enough for others as well. It is the duty of this nation's intellectuals, political and religious leaders, in particular the government leaders, to give a tangible example of unselfish dedication to the public interest at a time when morality is at its lowest ebb and greed our strongest motivation. Not honor and honesty.

Happy New Year!

