Wed, 19 Jul 1995

A gigabyte of drivel

This letter is in response to Bob Atteridge's letter (The Jakarta Post, July 18, 1995).

Allow me to paraphrase Winston Churchill..."Bob, I'm in the smallest room in my house, and have your letter before me, shortly it will be behind me." Bob's gigabyte of drivel has had a most salutary effect on my reluctant vitals.

The behavior of Laser Computers was scandalous. What impertinence! Why didn't they read Bob's imprudent mind and know that he had not bothered to take any sort of precautions to protect his obsolete and fungus riddled software? It only reinforces my belief that not all Indonesians are true clairvoyants and soothsayers.

Were I Bob, I would get hold of that secret ointment mentioned in Monday's (July 17, 1995) Jakarta Post "Across the Archipelago" and anoint those scoundrels at Laser. Hopefully he might get some of the unguent on himself and his infernal hard disks.

