Sun, 04 Apr 1999

A Dam of Tears

Whose conscience can remain unmoved

when it is splashed by the water

from this Kedungombo dam

which streamed down from our tears

and that of our wives and children

who -- until today -- cannot understand

why they have been made victims

of the arrogance of the powerholders

who must be the illegitimate sons

of a cracked civilization

Look how vast is the basin

which invites you to swim

and dive, so that you will discover

our betrayed souls, and submerged buildings

paddy fields, our crushed justice

and the graves of truth

the betrayed love for the country

and our rejected aspirations

Look at the birds which feebly fly

when the sun lights up our anguish

Listen to the crickets and grasshoppers

which bemoan our sufferings

After sunset look at the moon

which weeps for our nightmares

But we can understand if you refuse

to look into this mirror of tears

because there you will only find

a monster which preys on human flesh

-- By Yudhi Ms

Translated by TIS