Fri, 18 Jun 2004

A challenge to the Governor

A very interesting article from Zatni Arbi appeared in The Jakarta Post on Sunday, June 13, about traffic irregularities, which are mostly caused by motorcycle riders. It is one hundred percent correct.

I admire the writer for expressing in this article what is in the hearts and minds of many people. This is a real challenge for the governor, and if he finally does take the steps proposed, then I will be the first to take off my hat to congratulate him.

It is a pity that the article appears in the Post and not in an Indonesian language paper so that more people would be able to read it. I strongly believe that the majority of readers would support it.

Zatni Arbi clearly wrote and I quote: "So, Mr. Governor if you want to repair your image, you should learn from Beijing ..."

Perhaps the writer has his own motives for writing in an English language paper -- so that the appeal will be read only by people who are able to control their emotions and avoid the potential for mob action by motorcyclists against Zatni Arbi.

We must recognize the fact that the governor does more to please the rich and the powerful, and most of the time neglects, or does not pay enough attention to, the suffering of ordinary people, such as floods, poor roads and the various catastrophes that engulf them.

Billions of rupiah have been spent to beautify the National Monument Park and improve sidewalks in the center of town. Perhaps the governor really believes that these are more important than improving the lot of the man in the street.

However, I would not go so far as Zatni Arbi in proposing that the governor get rid of all motorcycles in Jakarta -- every single one of them. In a previous letter of mine to the Post, I proposed that to curb the fast growing number of all kinds of vehicles in th city, taxes need to be imposed on the owners.