300 ulemas to meet police chief
JAKARTA: Some 300 Central Java and Yogyakarta ulemas from the country's biggest Muslim organization, Nahdlatul Ulama (NU), are expected to meet National Police chief Gen. Da'i Bachtiar for talks on Wednesday.
NU Central Java chairman Najahan Musyafak was quoted by Antara as saying on Sunday that the talks, which would also be attended by Central Java Governor Mardiyanto and local police chief Insp. Gen. Didi Widayadi, were planned to discuss current issues, in particular the murder of two ulemas in East Java.
"The matter has developed in such a way that it has caused deep unease among the public. There is even a rumor now that ulemas in Central Java will be the next targets," Najahan said on Sunday, adding that other issues such as radicalism and corruption, among others, would possibly be discussed as well.
"We hope that through these talks, the ulemas can be informed directly by the police chief about what is happening," continued Najahan.
After the talks, the ulemas will also be introduced to the province's Regional Representatives Council candidates (DPD), KH Mustofa Bisri and Hj. Nafisah Sahal Mahfudh. --Antara