Thu, 29 Jan 1998

30 shuttlers tested for Thomas, Uber Cups

JAKARTA (JP): Thirty national shuttlers have undergone two days of physical tests at the Senayan Madya stadium in preparation for the Thomas and Uber Cup championships in Hong Kong in May.

The Badminton Association of Indonesia's physical trainer, Paulus Pasurney, said Tuesday that the 30 shuttlers had to do eight physical tests covering speed, agility, power and endurance.

"The test results will be analyzed to determine what kind of practice schedule should be given to each shuttler," Paulus said, as quoted by Antara, and announced after the Idul Fitri holiday.

He also said that some senior shuttlers, including Hariyanto Arbi and Joko Suprianto, had yet to show any progress and needed to improve. Their physical condition, based on the test results, is currently lower than during the 19th SEA Games here last October.

Paulus said all shuttlers had the same chances of making the country's Thomas and Uber Cups squads.

"Everybody has the same chance. It depends on their will to practice harder. It's too soon to mention their names because they've only just had their physical tests," he said. (yan)