Tue, 20 Aug 2002

20 bogus degree peddlers reported

KENDARI, Southeast Sulawesi: The Ministry of National Education has reported the management of 20 illegal postgraduate and doctorate programs to the police, a senior government official said on Monday.

Director general for higher education Satrio Sumantri Brojonegoro said the education programs violated the law as they had no license from the ministry and caused losses to the general public.

"They usually offer people masters degrees or doctorates without taking any lectures but only paying money," he said.

He was reluctant to mention the names of any illegal education programs, but they mainly carried the names of famous universities from overseas.

Kendari regent Kaharuddin was reportedly made an offer by one illegal education firm of a U.S. masters degree, while a regency administration employee in Java was dismissed for misusing his illegal degree to obtain a better post.- Antara