Wed, 31 Jul 1996

1,600 moved from flood plain

KENDARI, Southeast Sulawesi: The local government plans to move over 1,600 people occupying a flood plain area in Asera subdistrict.

"It is expected that their well-being will improve in a flood- free area," secretary of the Kendari regent Masri Masyie Abunawas said in Kendari yesterday.

The subdistrict was hit by a major flood earlier this month. In some places, the water was as deep as five meters, Antara reported.

During the flood, triggered by two weeks of rain, 50 houses were swept away and 300 cows and goats went missing, Masri said.

Many of the residents had been moved to safer ground, but they returned, he said.

The government plans to build houses for the residents, along with public facilities, such as schools. (pan)