Wed, 02 Apr 1997

10 principles of reinventing government

David Osborne and Ted Gaebler have presented 10 virtually self-explanatory principles for reinventing government. They are: 1. Catalytic government: steering rather than rowing. 2. Community-owned government: empowering rather than serving. 3. Competitive government: injecting competition into service

delivery. 4. Mission-driven government: transforming rule-driven

organization. 5. Results-oriented government: funding outcomes, not inputs. 6. Customer-driven government: meeting the needs of the

customer, not the bureaucracy. 7. Enterprising government: earning rather than spending. 8. Anticipatory government: prevention rather than cure. 9. Decentralized government: from hierarchy to participation

and teamwork 10. Market-oriented government: leveraging change through the
